The Content-In, Content-Out System for Content Creation

The Content-In, Content-Out System for Content Creation

In part one we looked at documenting instead of creating as a quicker and easier way to blog and create content in general. Today, we'll take a look at a slightly different strategy that Niklas Goeke recommends over at the Sumo Blog.

Nik's article is long with lots of helpful advice. You should read the whole article. But I'm particularly interested in the section on The 1-in-1-out System to Minimize Research. Nik makes a great point on the need for solid ideas and structure to churn out consistent posts.

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Stop Worrying About Creating Content, Start Documenting

Stop Worrying About Creating Content, Start Documenting

I have a confession to make. Even after publishing thousands of blog posts I still struggle with writing and time management.

You would think this would get easier through the years, but it hasn't.

Fortunately, a recent article I read is changing how I approach blogging. I also think it can help new or inconsistent bloggers find the time to blog with confidence. Here's how.

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